Choose from any of the following domain extensions
Choose from any of the following domain extensions
We're always looking to offer exciting perks to the ATOMIC community. When Radix offered to help bring free domain names for our members, it was a simple choice. A good, memorable domain name is a barebones essential for any business or personal brand, whether you're a freelancer, startup, company, or an aspiring entrepreneur. You now have a host of options to choose from, courtesy of one of the world's leading new domain registries.
ATOMIC Founders
If you already own a website, you can move it on your new domain or simply redirect your new domain name to your existing website
Setup your domain name to forward to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social media pages
Create a page to promote your social media links, share photos or showcase your portfolio.
Use your domain as a branded email address to create forwards and automatically redirect them to existing email accounts (Gmail, Personal email, etc.)
Search for your desired domain name
From the list of available domain names, select any one of your choice
Apply for the unique coupon code here, to get your domain free for the first year.
Create a new customer account and search for your desired domain. Note: please use the same email you use for your ATOMIC membership account.